An exciting announcement for the Aber family, Sophie has arrived! Sophie Landon, nicknamed by her big sister Charlotte as “Sophia-a-loph” was born on April 23rd to her beautiful family. The Aber family have truly become friends over the past years from Megan and Matt’s engagement session at a local coffee house, to now welcoming their second daughter.
Becoming a big sister, comes with big responsibilities, but Charlotte is truly up for the challenge! Char loves helping her mommy and daddy by brining blankets, burp cloths, diapers, wipes, and everything else possible when Sophie is need. Along with helping her parents, she also enjoys rocking Sophie in her swing. Their bond has already begun, and Megan and Matt are looking forward to seeing them grow up together and be best friends.
Congratulations Megan and Matt, you are truly loved and now have two beautiful, intelligent baby girls!