Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement

Ashley & Wesley’s Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement – Captured by Vanessa

What an absolutely adorable engagement at Camp Milton Historic Preserve with Ashley and Wesley!    We loved their playful nature, and adventurous side as we wandered through the preserve on the hunt for photo ops!

How They Met

Wesley and I met in 2018 through mutual friends. Mine and his closest friends were dating, and we actually met through them.

What They Love About Each Other

Bride: The thing I love most about Wesley is how confident and stubborn he is. No one could ever influence him into a bad choice. When Wesley wants something in life, he goes for it, and no one can stop him. No one could ever bring him down. The moment he has his eye on something he goes for it, and he makes it known. He makes it known everyday how much he cares about me and loves me. He’s confident in his decision makings and I couldn’t be more proud<3

Groom: I love the fact that Ashley is a care giver. Even though I am very independent in my own ways, without her I’d be a train wreck. She keeps me organized and keeps my schedule for me because she knows I would forget everything. I never have to question if she still loves me because she makes it known every day. I love how much we have grown together, and how our personalities have blended together. We become more and more alike every day.

Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement Camp Milton Historic Preserve Engagement

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