Daishawnai & OJ’s Linear Park at Reunion Resort Engagement

Reunion Resort Engagement

Daishawnai and OJ met me out at Reunion Resort for their Reunion Resort engagement.  Traveling in from Bermuda, I was absolutely elated to finally meet my couple in person before they headed back home again!

Friends from the Start

It is crazy to think how fast time flies by!  20 years ago, Daishawnai and OJ met in St. David’s, Bermuda in front of the St. David’s Cricket Club through Daishawnai’s cousin.  The two became friends, the best of friends, and would chat everyday in catching up to asking one another advice on life.  Friends for years, the day finally came when a spark, well sparked!, and that day was at Fort St. Catherine’s Beach.  Meeting up with her friend Kristen, Daishawnai also planned to see OJ that day who would be joining them later with his friends.  Showing up with his guys, OJ was completely taken by Daishawnai seeing her in a new light, granted his love began for her well before.  A few of his pals led on that OJ had feelings for Daishawnai, but she brushed it off thinking nothing of the sort.  A few days later however, OJ reaching out to her and confessed his feelings for her.  While it wasn’t right away at first, the two slowly developed from friends to partners, and on April 18th of 2005, OJ officially asked Daishawnai to be his girl.  13 years later, they will be tying the knot, have a beautiful life together with their seven year old daughter, D’Ani, and have been inseparable ever since.  As Daishawnai explains, “I wouldn’t change our journey for the world, he is definitely my one true love.”

When asking what OJ and Daishawnai love most about one another, both explained that they we “love that we both have a very genuine and sincere friendship, we understand one another, and we have the same interest that we both enjoy.”  Of course, they also both love their daughter D’Ani too and are absolutely incredible parents!

From Bermuda to Las Vegas

Planning out his proposal to Daishawnai, OJ asked Daishawnai to accompany him to a trip to Las Vegas with their friends Brian and Laurie.  While Daishawnai at first said no, she finally obliged to go along for the trip.  Leaving Bermuda two days ahead of Daishawnai, OJ made sure to have everything ready before her arrival, including the ring.  A timid traveler, especially all the way to Las Vegas from Bermuda, Daishawnai made OJ promise to pick her up at the airport.  Arriving and heading down to baggage claim, Daishawnai was utterly confused when a very serious looking man in a black suit was holding a sign with her name on it.  Rather upset that it wasn’t OJ picking her up, and instead a driver, she followed the man who had grabbed her luggage to a white stretch limousine.  Confused even further by the luxury transportation, Daishawnai quickly lit up with excitement as OJ appeared from inside.  Getting out of the limousine, OJ confessed that he had actually began planning out his proposal to Daishawnai months earlier by flying out to the US to purchase her ring, and book all the festivities to take place during their getaway to Las Vegas. A player for the St. David’s County Cricket Club and St. George’s Cup Match, former player of the Bermuda National Cricket Team, Daishawnai thought nothing of it when he supposedly had a match in the US, which was when he booked the remaining pieces for his grand proposal.  He went on to describe how their journey together has been incredible, and asked if she would do him the honor of being his wife, which of course through the tears Daishawnai, said “YES!”

Looking forward to these two tying the knot this coming October back at the stunning Reunion Resort!

Reunion Resort Engagement Reunion Resort Engagement Reunion Resort Engagement Reunion Resort Engagement Reunion Resort Engagement Reunion Resort Engagement

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